Oregon Bans 12 Different Pesticides
Two days ago, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) released a statement alerting the state that it had issued 12 notices of statewide detainment and stop sale and removal orders for horticultural products that contain pesticide active ingredients not listed on the products’ labels. The notices cover 14 products sold in Oregon that were also identified by the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) in late June as containing undeclared pesticide active ingredients. The products involved are commonly used in horticulture and hydroponics, including the production of marijuana.
This could pose a big problem for marijuana growers who used any of the 14 horticultural products, and may experience a “loss of marketability.” Specifically, the orders call for the product manufacturers to immediately stop all sales, offers of sale, or other distribution in Oregon. Products within Oregon or transported into the state by any type of business transaction or other method will be detained. The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) issued its orders and is currently sampling and testing these products sold in Oregon.
The following are a list of products and manufacturers who are affected:
Vita Grow Thunder Boom– Marco Industries, Inc. dba American Agriculture, Portland, OR
OG Rapid Flower + Hardener– Crop Specific Solutions, Rockingham, Western Australia
Humboldt Roots– Humboldt Nutrients LLC, Paso Robles, CA
Safergro Mildew Cure for Powdery Mildew Control– JH Biotech, Ventura, CA
Olivia’s Cloning Gel– Olivia’s Solutions, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA
The Hammer– Plantlife Products, Kelowna, BC
Frost Protection Plus– Rambridge Wholesale Supply, Calgary, AB
Rock Resinator Heavy Yields– Rock Holdings Pty Ltd., Perth, Western Australia
SNS 217C All Natural Spider Mite Control– Sierra Natural Science, Inc., Salinas, CA
Root 66 1-1-1– Technaflora Plant Products Ltd., Mission, BC
Optic Foliar AT-AK, Optic Foliar Overgrow, Optic Foliar Switch– Tulsi Enterprises Ltd., Surrey, BC
Pyyro K 0-3-7– Van de Uber Marketing and Manufacturing, Port Moody, BC
Importantly, this detainment doesn’t just affect the products listed above. It also creates a greater potential for other marijuana products to fail OHA’s pesticide testing requirements. ODA has issued pesticide advisories to growers of all crops and retailers, advising them to discontinue selling the products. For additional information on the advisories and the pesticide active ingredients not listed on the labels, go to: http://www.oregon.gov/ODA/prog...